Test, Trace and Isolate (Module 7)

Module 7 will look at, and make recommendations on, the approach to testing, tracing and isolation adopted during the pandemic.

Module 7 opened on Tuesday 19 March 2024. This module will look at, and make recommendations on, the approach to testing, tracing and isolation adopted during the pandemic.

The module will consider the policies and strategies developed and deployed to support the test, trace and isolate system by the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations. It will consider the decisions made by key bodies, other options or technologies that were available and factors that may have influenced public compliance.

The application process to become a Core Participant for Module 7 has now closed.

Module 7 hearings will take place Monday 12 May – Friday 30 May 2025

Upcoming or past hearing dates for this module can be viewed on the Inquiry’s hearings page.