Care sector (Module 6)

Module 6 opened on 12 December 2023. This module will investigate the impact of the pandemic on the publicly and privately funded adult social care sector in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It will consider the consequences of government decision-making – including restrictions imposed – on those living and working within the care sector, as well as decisions concerning capacity in hospitals and residents in adult care and residential homes.

It will also address the steps taken in adult care and residential homes to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and examine the capacity of the adult care sector to respond to the pandemic. More details are included in the provisional scope for Module 6, which is published on the Inquiry website.

The Core Participant application window is now closed.

A Core Participant is an individual, organisation or institution that has a specific interest in the work of the Inquiry.

Core Participants can access evidence relevant to this investigation, make opening and closing statements at Inquiry hearings and suggest lines of questioning.

The Inquiry is aiming to hold preliminary hearings for Module 6 in 2025, with public hearings taking place from Monday 30 June – Thursday 31 July 2025.

The hearings will take place at Dorland House, 121 Westwood Terrace, London, W2 6BU (map). All hearings are open to the public to attend. Information on how to attend can be found on the website.

At preliminary hearings, the Inquiry Chair makes decisions about how investigations will run. The Inquiry does not hear evidence at these hearings. There will be submissions from the Counsel to the Inquiry and Core Participants to help prepare for the public hearings, where evidence is heard.