Procurement (Module 5)

Module 5 opened on 24 October 2023. This module will consider and make recommendations regarding the procurement and distribution to end-users across the four nations of the United Kingdom of key healthcare related equipment and supplies, including PPE, ventilators and oxygen.

The module will assess the robustness and effectiveness of procurement processes, the adequacy of the items obtained (including their specification, quality and volume) and the effectiveness of their distribution to the end-user. It will also consider the UK-wide procurement of lateral flow tests and PCR tests.

The Core Participant application window for Module 5 has now closed.

Module 5 will explore pandemic procurement across the UK across four weeks of public hearings.

    • Monday 3 March – Thursday 3 April 2025

Upcoming or past hearing dates for this module can be viewed on the Inquiry’s hearings page.