Update: First preliminary hearing for Economic response (Module 9) in October

  • Cyhoeddwyd: 16 Hydref 2024
  • Pynciau: Hearings, Module 9

Next week will see the Inquiry hold its first preliminary hearing for its ninth investigation examining the economic response to the pandemic (Module 9).

Bydd y gwrandawiad yn cael ei gynnal yng Nghanolfan Gwrandawiad yr Ymchwiliad, Dorland House, Llundain, W2 6BU (map) on Wednesday 23 October and begin at 10:30am.

Mewn gwrandawiadau rhagarweiniol, mae Cadeirydd yr Ymchwiliad yn gwneud penderfyniadau am sut y bydd ymchwiliadau'n rhedeg. Nid yw'r Ymchwiliad yn clywed tystiolaeth yn y gwrandawiadau hyn. Bydd cyflwyniadau gan y Cwnsler i'r Ymchwiliad a Chyfranogwyr Craidd i helpu paratoi ar gyfer y gwrandawiadau cyhoeddus, lle clywir tystiolaeth

The ninth investigation is looking at the economic interventions taken by the UK Government and Devolved Administrations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This module will examine and make recommendations on the economic support for business, jobs, the self-employed, vulnerable people, and those on benefits, and the impact of key economic interventions.

Ceir rhagor o fanylion yn y provisional scope for Module 9.

Mae’r gwrandawiad yn agored i’r cyhoedd ei fynychu – mae gwybodaeth am sut i fynychu yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar ein gwefan.

You can watch the preliminary hearing on the sianel YouTube yr Ymholiad,yn amodol ar oedi o dri munud.

We will publish a transcript of the preliminary hearing on the same day it concludes. A recording of the hearing will be published on the Inquiry’s website at a later date. Alternative formats, including a Welsh language translation, are available on request.