Resilience and preparedness (Module 1) – Public Hearings


The live broadcast of this hearing has ended. You can play it back below or on our YouTube channel (opens in new tab).

Warning: Occasional strong language may form part of evidence.

Please note timings are provisional and subject to change.

Module 1 Impact Film

The following film was screened during the first public hearing on 13 June 2023. In her opening remarks, the Chair, Baroness Hallett, said:

“In a moment we’re going to watch our first impact film – in which people from across the four nations of the UK talk about the devastating impact the pandemic has had on them and their loved ones.

“The film is extraordinarily moving. It involves people talking in very explicit terms about their suffering and their loss – in a way that will bring back very difficult memories for many people.

“I want to thank everyone who agreed to be filmed as part of this – including those not featured in this first film. I can only imagine how difficult it must have been to relive those experiences in front of a camera. But please believe, it was worthwhile. You have recorded your experience for posterity and alerted me to issues that I need to explore.”

This film contains upsetting material. The Inquiry website has information on a number of organisations that provide support on different issues. Please contact one of them if you need help.


Day Agenda
13 Jun 23
Start time 10:00 am
  • Opening remarks from the Chair
  • Opening Statement from Counsel to the Inquiry
  • Opening Statements from Core Participants
  • Opening Statements from Core Participants
End time 4:30 pm