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Easy Read

This is an Easy Read version of some information. It may not include all of the information but it will tell you about the important parts.

This Easy Read webpage uses easier words and pictures. You may still want help to read it.

Some words are in bold – this means the writing is thicker and darker.
These are important words on the page.

Sometimes if a bold word is hard to understand, we will explain what it means.

Blue buttons show links to other websites and email addresses. You can click on these buttons.
About this web page

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is the group that is looking at how the UK dealt with Covid-19.

Every Story Matters is our listening project. We listen to people say what the Covid-19 pandemic was like for them.

We would like to know what the Covid-19 pandemic was like for you. The information on this web page will tell you how you can do this.
A video about Every Story Matters
How can you tell us what Covid-19 was like for you?

You can tell us what the Covid-19 pandemic was like for you by filling in an online form.

You do not have to fill in the form all in one go. You can fill some in, save what you have done, and finish it later.

You can tell us as much or as little as you would like about what Covid-19 was like for you.

When you are ready you can click on this link:
If you need the form in a different way

If you want to send the form to us by post, please fill in the form by clicking on this link:

If you want to send the form to us by email, please fill in the form by clicking on this link:
If you need the form in a different way that meets your needs, like in large print, please ask for it.

Ask us by email:

Ask us by post:
UK Covid-19 Inquiry
That’s all you need to put on the envelope. You do not need a stamp.
Why should you tell us what Covid-19 was like for you?

By telling us what the Covid-19 pandemic was like for you, you are helping us understand what could be done better in the future.

This will mean the UK is more ready for an emergency in the future.
Do we really want to hear from you?

Yes, we really want to know what the Covid-19 pandemic was like for you.

You do not need to have had Covid-19 or had something very upsetting happen to you.

Every story will help us understand what the Covid-19 pandemic was like in the UK.

We want to hear from lots of different people.
What happens after you have sent the form?

We will use all of the forms that people send us.

We will then use what people have said to write a report.

The report will be about the most common things that happened during the Covid-19 pandemic.

We are only collecting information about what happened to people, not who the people are.
So no personal information about you will be in the report.
Find out more

You can read more about Every Story Matters by reading this Easy Read booklet:
You can get information about the work we are doing by:

- Signing up to get our newsletter here:

- Following us on social media, like Facebook.

When you are ready you can click on this link: