Every Story Matters

Helping you help others contribute to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry

Thank you for your interest in supporting Every Story Matters

Every Story Matters is an opportunity for everyone to share their experience of the pandemic and its impact, and contribute to the independent UK Covid-19 Inquiry. By encouraging people to share their stories today, we can learn lessons for the future.

Every Story Matters provides inclusive ways for people to share their stories – ensuring they are heard and valued.

Find out more about Every Story Matters.


Working in partnership

We want to encourage as many people as possible to share their stories.

Your support in helping to engage different individuals, especially those significantly impacted by the pandemic, is crucial.

Please help us spread the message of Every Story Matters, by using the resources in this toolkit across your own channels. Together we can encourage people to share their stories to help prepare the UK for future generations.


How and where your members can share their stories

To make sure everyone can participate, there are a number of ways you can encourage the people you work with to get involved with Every Story Matters.

The main way to share stories is via the online form.   

Accessible options:

Different accessible options are available from the Inquiry directly. You can email contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk or write to FREEPOST, UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry:

  • Easy Read – Every Story Matters is available in Easy Read format:

‘About Every Story Matters’ in Easy Read

Every Story Matters – Easy Read form for post

Every Story Matters – Easy Read form for email

  • Paper form and Braille –  Available upon request, please email us at contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk for more information.
  • British Sign Language – More information on Every Story Matters in BSL can be found here.  The Inquiry are currently exploring accepting submissions to Every Story Matters in BSL and will have more information soon.
  • Other languages – The form is available in Welsh, Polish, Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, Chinese, Kurdish, Somali, and Tagalog.
  • Stories can also be shared in person at an Every Story Matters event. Times and locations can be found here.

Useful to know:

Under 18s

Individuals must be aged 18 or over to participate using the online form or accessible options. The Inquiry is aware of the importance of understanding the experience of young people during the pandemic. We are delivering a bespoke and targeted research project hearing directly from children and young people, including those most affected by the pandemic. 


Social media copy

Below is some suggested text for you to use in social media posts, which you can copy and paste. It can also be adapted to help you encourage the people you work with to share their stories of the pandemic.

Facebook*: We want you to share your pandemic story, to help us learn lessons for the future. Every story shared @covidinquiryuk will feed into the independent and impartial investigation. #EveryStoryMatters

Instagram*: Share your unique pandemic story @ukcovid19inquiry. Our lived experiences will help us learn lessons for the future. #EveryStoryMatters

X**: Share your story today @covidinquiryuk. Everyone’s pandemic story is valuable and will be fed into the independent and impartial investigation to help us learn lessons for the future. #EveryStoryMatters

LinkedIn***: Every unique pandemic story is important. We want to hear yours. Every story shared @uk-covid-19-inquiry will form part of the permanent record being created by the independent inquiry and inform lessons for the future. #EveryStoryMatters

* Text over 125 characters may be truncated

** Max 280 characters

*** Although you can have up to 3,000 characters, shorter posts of 150-300 characters have greater impact

Copy hints and tips to encourage sharing

The Inquiry has found that people are more encouraged to share their story when particular language is used. For example, phrases that include a feeling of readiness and of taking positive action: 

  • “I want the UK to be prepared for any future pandemics.”


Newsletter header – editable

Please find the following assets available for use across your channels.

All edited assets are to be shared with contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk for approval at least 1 week prior to publication.

Newsletter/blog longform copy

The following is some suggested copy which can be copied and pasted, or adapted for your own channels, to help encourage the people you represent to share their stories of the pandemic.

We want you to share your pandemic story, to help us learn lessons for the future. Every Story Matters.

Covid-19 affected everyone in the UK, including [insert name of your area/people you work with]. We’ve partnered with the independent UK Covid-19 Inquiry to help you share your unique experience of the pandemic and ensure your story helps prepare the UK for future generations. 

Every Story Matters is your chance to tell the Inquiry what you think could be learned, what could have been done better, or differently – or if something was done well.

What is the UK Covid-19 Inquiry?

It’s the public inquiry set up to examine the UK’s response to the pandemic and its impact. The Inquiry is independent from the government and completely impartial.

Why should I share my story?

The Inquiry wants to hear from as many people as possible, from different communities throughout the UK.

We know some experiences are painful to talk about, and sometimes it’s difficult thinking back, but the Inquiry needs to hear from you. Your individual story is valuable, as it will help the Inquiry better understand how Covid-19 affected us all – and what could be done if it happens again.

How can I share my story?

If you are aged 18 and over, by searching ‘Every Story Matters’, or using the link below, you’ll be taken to a short online form where you can share your pandemic story. A record of all analysed stories will be produced and submitted into each relevant investigation as evidence. These will be anonymised.

The Inquiry is aware of the importance of understanding the experience of young people (those under the age of 18) and you can find out more about their targeted research project here.

Help is available if you need it
Sharing your story may trigger some difficult feelings and emotions. If you need help, please visit: everystorymatters.co.uk for a list of support services.

Further resources and contact

Thank you for supporting Every Story Matters and helping people share their stories of the pandemic. If you have any specific questions or require further support, please email our team at contact@covid19.public-inquiry.uk