Vaccines and Therapeutics (Module 4) – Public Hearings


The live broadcast of this hearing has ended. You can play it back below or on our YouTube channel (opens in new tab).

Warning: Occasional strong language may form part of evidence.

Module 4 Impact Film

The following film was screened during the first Module 4 public hearing on 14 January 2024. Before this film was screened, the Chair, Baroness Hallett, made clear that Inquiry impact films are not evidence. This film contains individuals’ experiences and is not intended to be representative of the experience of the vaccinated population of the United Kingdom. The film does not represent the views of the Chair or the Inquiry.

This film contains upsetting material. The Inquiry website has information on a number of organisations that provide support on different issues. Please contact one of them if you need help.


Day Agenda
14 Jan 25
Start time 10:00 am

Impact film

Counsel to the Inquiry Opening Submissions

Core Participant Opening Submissions


Core Participant Opening Submissions

End time 4:00 pm