Core UK Decision-making and Political Governance – Northern Ireland (Module 2C) – Public Hearings

Module 2C will look into core political and administrative governance and decision-making in Northern Ireland. It will include the initial response, central government decision making, political and civil service performance as well as the effectiveness of relationships with governments in the devolved administrations and local and voluntary sectors. Module 2 will also assess decision-making about non-pharmaceutical measures and the factors that contributed to their implementation.


The live broadcast of this hearing has ended. You can play it back below or on our YouTube channel (opens in new tab).

Warning: Occasional strong language may form part of evidence.


Day Agenda
8 May 24
Start time 10:00 am
  • Lord Peter Weir of Ballyholme (former Minister for Education, Northern Ireland)
  • Diane Dodds (former Minister for the Economy, Northern Ireland)
  • Deirdre Hargey and Carál Ní Chuilín (former Ministers for Communities, Northern Ireland)
End time 4:00 pm