Share your pandemic stories this Carers Week with Every Story Matters

  • Published: 10 June 2024
  • Topics: Every Story Matters

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry is encouraging carers across the UK to share their pandemic experiences as part of Every Story Matters.

Every one of us has their own unique story of what happened during the pandemic. As Carers Week (10-16 June) gets underway, carers and those who experienced or had contact with adult social care during the pandemic have a unique opportunity to contribute to the Inquiry’s investigations.

The Inquiry’s public hearings for their investigation into the care sector, will begin in summer 2025.

Carers were unsung heroes during the pandemic, facing extraordinary challenges with unwavering dedication. Their stories are essential to understanding the full impact of Covid-19 and to helping make sure lessons are learned for the future. I urge all carers to share their experiences with Every Story Matters. Your voices are a vital part of our Inquiry.

Secretary to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry Ben Connah

I've shared my experience with Every Story Matters as it's important that those bereaved, like me, who lost loved ones to Covid in care homes, are heard by the Inquiry. It is vital that our experiences are included. Our loved ones and care staff felt unsupported during the pandemic, both medically and by those in power. Doctors would not visit.

I hope that the Inquiry's forensic investigation will include our traumatic experiences and ensure that this lack of planning and support can never happen again.

Margaret Ann-Williams, from Cardiff, lost her mother during the pandemic. Margaret has contributed to Every Story Matters.

Central to the success of the Every Story Matters is the importance of carers sharing their stories and having their voices heard. By documenting their experiences, carers can contribute to the Inquiry’s investigation by providing critical insights into the realities of caregiving during the pandemic.

The call for contributions comes at the start of Carers Week (10-16 June), which shines a light on the contributions and challenges faced by unpaid carers, emphasising their crucial role within families and communities and giving them a voice.

The pandemic increased pressure on the UK's unpaid carers, who had to care for family and friends in isolation, often without the support they needed. Additionally, millions took on unpaid caring roles for the first time. We can't influence change unless we are part of the story. To put the experiences of unpaid carers on the record, this Carers Week we are urging those aged 18 and over to submit their stories to Every Story Matters to shape the UK Covid-19 Inquiry's investigation into the care sector and help us learn lessons for the future.

Ramzi Suleiman, Carers Trust’s Policy and Public Affairs Manager

The Inquiry would like to hear from all carers, whether those operating in the sector or those providing unpaid care within the community. Together, we can ensure that pandemic experiences are recognised, valued, and used to inform policies that better support carers and those they care for.

Care staff and providers bravely faced unprecedented challenges during the pandemic, playing a crucial role in supporting our communities. We urge everyone in the care sector to share their stories through Every Story Matters. This will highlight the strength, compassion, and dedication of care workers, provide insight into the challenges faced by those who we supported, and shape the Inquiry. By sharing our stories, we can help drive change.

Melanie Weatherley MBE, Co-chair of Care Association Alliance

For more information, or to request case studies or quotes, please contact


About Every Story Matters

Every Story Matters is the public’s opportunity to anonymously share the impact the pandemic had on them and their life with the Inquiry, without the formality of giving evidence or attending a public hearing.

Every story shared helps the Inquiry to understand and assess the full picture of how the pandemic impacted lives and will be invaluable in shaping the Inquiry’s recommendations. The form includes a section for participants to share what they think could be learned, what could have been done better or differently, or if something was done well.

We want to understand every aspect of the pandemic so the public can share as much or as little as they want to about their life, work, community, family, and wellbeing.

To learn more, visit