Inquiry Publication Scheme

This publication scheme categorises all information that we routinely publish, where to find that information and when it becomes available.

What is the purpose of the Publication Scheme?

The purpose of this publication scheme is to set out how the UK Covid-19 Inquiry routinely publishes key information as part of an approach to openness that is appropriate for a public inquiry and to:

  1. Give the public an understanding of what information we hold and publish
  2. Make it easy for that information to be accessed

Due to the nature of some of the evidence that the Inquiry presents in hearings and uploads for general public availability, some documents may have been redacted to protect personal information or information irrelevant to the Inquiry’s investigations.

How do I access information?

The Inquiry routinely publishes information on its website, the majority of which can be found on the documents library. Here you can toggle between publications and evidence, filter by publication or evidence type, module, dates and translations, and search across both by searching keywords. All documents that are routinely published are available for download by users.

Who is responsible for the Publication Scheme

The Inquiry’s Reporting team has overall responsibility for maintaining and updating the Publication Scheme. If you have any feedback or questions you can get in touch by emailing