Every Story Matters – British Sign Language Pilot

Every Story Matters is your opportunity to help the UK Covid-19 Inquiry understand your experience of the pandemic.

Welcome to the Every Story Matters British Sign Language Pilot. Please read the below information about Every Story Matters and when you are ready click on the ‘Share my story’ button to proceed with your submission.

The pandemic affected every single person in the UK and, in many cases, continues to have a lasting impact on lives. Every one of our experiences is unique and this is your opportunity to share the impact it had on you, and your life, with the Inquiry.

Share my story – British Sign Language

You must be aged 18 or over to use this form. The Inquiry is aware of the importance of understanding the experience of young people during the pandemic. The Inquiry will deliver a bespoke and targeted research project, hearing directly from children and young people most affected by the pandemic, to help inform its findings and recommendations.

About Every Story Matters

(with British Sign Language interpretation)

Why should I share my experience?

While we can’t change the past, by sharing your experience with the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, you can help us to understand and assess what happened to you during the pandemic.  This will assist the development of recommendations that could help future generations to come.

Yes – because your perspective is unique. You do not need to have had Covid-19, or an experience that is directly related to the virus. We want to understand every aspect of the pandemic so you can share as much or as little as you want to about your life, your work, your community, your family, your wellbeing. 

Every story shared will be valuable in shaping the Inquiry’s recommendations and help us to learn lessons for the future.

Every story shared with us will be collated, analysed and turned into themed reports, which will be submitted into each relevant investigation as evidence. The reports will be anonymised. 

Anonymised versions of your experiences will be archived by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. This means the experiences shared will form part of the historical record of the pandemic and will also be available for future researchers. Any details that could identify you including names, places and organisations you mention will be removed and stored securely.

The information you share with us will be crucial in helping us to understand the impact of the pandemic, however, the Inquiry will not consider in detail individual cases of harm or death.

Give us your feedback

We want to make sure that our Every Story Matters form works as well as possible for BSL users. For this reason, we ask that you complete our short evaluation form once you have submitted your experience.


Help is available if you need it

Sharing your experience may trigger some difficult feelings and emotions, and we have information on organisations that can help you on a support page on our website