Update: Preliminary Hearing for Impact of the Pandemic on Test, Trace and Isolate (Module 7) in June

  • Published: 20 June 2024
  • Topics: Module 7

The Inquiry will be holding an initial preliminary hearing for its seventh  investigation into the impact of the pandemic on ‘Test, Trace and Isolate’ (Module 7).

The preliminary hearing will be held at Dorland House, 121 Westbourne Terrace, London, W2 6BU (map) on Thursday 27 June at 10.30am.

Module 7 will look at, and make recommendations on, the approach to testing, tracing and isolation adopted during the pandemic.

The module will consider the policies and strategies developed and deployed to support the test, trace and isolate system by the UK Government and the Devolved Administrations. It will consider the decisions made by key bodies, other options or technologies that were available and factors that may have influenced public compliance.

A preliminary hearing is a legal hearing which considers procedural issues relating to the conduct of future public hearings and the Inquiry’s investigations. There will also be updates from the Inquiry Counsel on its investigations. The provisional scope for this module can be found here

The hearing is open to the public to attend – information on how to attend is published on our website.

Preliminary hearings can be watched on the Inquiry’s YouTube channel, subject to a three minute delay.

We aim to publish a transcript of the hearing on the same day it takes place. Alternative formats, including a Welsh language translation, are available on request. A recording of the hearing will be published on the Inquiry’s website later that week.