INQ000216489_0001 - Soosaar warqad ka timid Mark Drakeford (Wasiirka Koowaad ee Wales, Dowladda Welsh) oo ku socota MP Michael Gove (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster), oo ku taariikhaysan 20 Abriil 2020

  • La daabacay: 9 Oktoobar 2023
  • Nooca: Caddeyn
  • Module: Module 2

Warqad ka soo baxday Mark Drakeford (Wasiirka Koowaad ee Wales, Dowladda Welsh) oo ku socota MP Michael Gove (Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster), ee ku saabsan dabagalka la kulanka Maamulada la kala wareegay, COBR iyo Duqa Magaalada Sadiq Khan, oo ku taariikhaysan 20 Abriil 2020.

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