INQ000211798 - Warbixin ka timid TEO oo cinwaan looga dhigay 'Dhibc ka mid ah waqtiga' dib u eegista waxtarka kooxda Contingencies Group (CCG(NI)) ee isku dubaridka wajiga jawaabta Covid19: Qiimaynta, casharada iyo talooyinka, ee ku saabsan waxtarka CCG (NI), oo ku taariikhaysan May 2020

  • La daabacay: 25 Luulyo 2024
  • Nooca: Caddeyn
  • Module: Module 2C

Report from TEO titled A 'point in time' review of the effectiveness of the Civil Contingencies Group (NI) (CCG(NI)) arrangements in coordination of the Covid19 response phase: Assessment, lessons and recommendations, regarding effectiveness of the CCG (NI), dated May 2020

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