Module 2B will look into core political and administrative governance and decision-making in Wales. It will include the initial response, central government decision making, political and civil service performance as well as the effectiveness of relationships with governments in the devolved administrations and local and voluntary sectors. Module 2 will also assess decision-making about non-pharmaceutical measures and the factors that contributed to their implementation.
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Hişyarî: Dibe ku carinan zimanek xurt bibe beşek ji delîlan.
- Danûstendina Giştî ya Modula 2B di 06 Adar 2024 de.
- PHT000000039_0009 - Danûstendina roja 16-ê ya Modula Lêpirsînê 2 ya Covid-19 ya Keyaniya Yekbûyî, ya 1 Mijdar 2023.
- PHT000000014_0020 - Danûstendina roja 14-ê ya Modula Lêpirsînê ya 1-ê ya Covid-19 ya Keyaniya Yekbûyî, ya 04/07/2023
- Modula 2B Pêşniyara Demkî ya Qada
- Lîsteya Beşdarên Core Modula 2B
- Delîl