Core UK Decision-making and Political Governance – Northern Ireland (Module 2C) – Preliminary Hearings


The live broadcast of this hearing has ended. You can play it back below or on our YouTube channel (opens in new tab).

Warning: Occasional strong language may form part of evidence.


Day Agenda
12 Dec 23
Start time 1:45 pm
Morning No session

Introductory remarks from the Chair

Update from Counsel to the Inquiry regarding:

  • Update on Rule 9 requests – statements and exhibits;
  • The gathering of documentary evidence from the Executive Office (TEO) and
    other Northern Ireland Government departments;
  • Disclosure to Core Participants;
  • List of Issues, plans for the hearings in April/May 2024 and provisional list of
  • Expert witnesses;
  • Every Story Matters, Commemoration and Impact Film;
  • Meetings between the Module 2C Legal team and Core Participants ahead of the public hearings.

Submissions from Core Participants

End time 4:30 pm