Update: First preliminary hearing for Economic response (Module 9) in October

  • 发表: 16 10月 2024
  • 主题: Hearings, Module 9

Next week will see the Inquiry hold its first preliminary hearing for its ninth investigation examining the economic response to the pandemic (Module 9).

听证会将在 Inquiry's Hearing Centre, Dorland House, London, W2 6BU (地图) on Wednesday 23 October and begin at 10:30am.


The ninth investigation is looking at the economic interventions taken by the UK Government and Devolved Administrations in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This module will examine and make recommendations on the economic support for business, jobs, the self-employed, vulnerable people, and those on benefits, and the impact of key economic interventions.

更多详细信息包含在 provisional scope for Module 9.

听证会向公众开放 – 有关如何参加的信息 发布在我们的网站上。

You can watch the preliminary hearing on the Inquiry 的 YouTube 频道, 有三分钟的延迟。

We will publish a transcript of the preliminary hearing on the same day it concludes. A recording of the hearing will be published on the Inquiry’s website at a later date. Alternative formats, including a Welsh language translation, are available on request.